song of the day

Song of the day : The Amity Affliction – Pittsburgh its a beautifal song, the melody is perfect , the lyrics is perfect , just a lovely song the amity affliction : The Amity Affliction is an Australian metalcore band from Brisbane, Queensland formed in 2003. The band’s current line-up consists of Ahren Stringer (vocals, … Lees verder song of the day


about this website, a made this because i got to learn how this all works and i had to partice how to make a website, i always wanted to make a blog but i dind’t know how but now i know a little bit ha ha. this is gonna be about how my day was … Lees verder About

Hello there.

Welcome on my website, this is going to be website where im gonna blog about the things I like and things that happen through the day. I’m loes , 15 years old and I live in the Netherlands. i wanted to make a website to just show people things i like: music , style, people, etc. … Lees verder Hello there.